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Cutting-Edge Business Help

By Nickey Hollenbach

What Does a Virtual Assistant Do? Virtual assistants help companies with a myriad of tasks—anything from everyday administrative duties such as managing email, answering phone calls, scheduling/confirming appointments, entering data, and managing your “office” to managing social media accounts, designing and maintaining websites, working as a customer service representative, and…


How Can We Help?

By Nickey Hollenbach

When you hear the term  “Virtual Assistant,” do you wonder what they can do?  When I first starting writing about virtual assistance, many people had not heard of the profession yet. Now I find that people have heard the term but are not sure exactly what a VA can do for them. If you are still new to the…


Take this Job and LOVE It!

By Nickey Hollenbach

You: Founder and acting CEO of a privately held, locally staffed LLC, single proprietor, partnership, franchise, or corporate subsidiary providing (_________________products/services) to a consumer market.  You: Fully committed to your firm’s success, social values, and short- and long-term sustainability. Your dedication is demonstrated through an unwavering willingness to roll up your sleeves and work. Unconditional love for the work is never in doubt; your Range Rover…


What’s New Online in 2016

By Nickey Hollenbach

There are some exciting tech trends predicted for 2016. I’m not referring to the “things” that most likely will happen, like HDR (high-dynamic range) TVs, virtual goggles, self-driving cars or wearables, but the things that small to medium-sized businesses should be looking at to make sure they are not left…


What Can a Virtual Assistant Do for You?

By Nickey Hollenbach

Your experienced, talented virtual assistant can do much more than schedule meetings – not that scheduling meetings isn’t important, of course! Following are some ideas and actions you can take that will not only save hours in your day, but create a meaningful relationship with the person who makes your…