How a Virtual Assistant Can Help you Reach Your Goals in 2019
At this time of year, many entrepreneurs are trying to find a balance with finishing the year strong while enjoying the various festivities surrounding Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year’s. However, the truth is many successful business owners find themselves drowning because they are unable to balance everything at once. Their work-life balance is poor or nonexistent.
As the holidays wind down, whether or not you feel like you finished the year strong, are you utterly exhausted from your business’s growth the past year? Maybe you feel like a “plate spinner” who is juggling everything at the same time or stressing that vital details have been forgotten because you were distracted by your holiday commitments and celebrations?
You even may feel like you have lost your creative edge because you must spend your time managing the everyday administrative tasks instead of immersing yourself in creating new ideas and developing your client base. The details keep bogging you down while pushing you further away from your vision of taking your business to the next level! The faster you work, the further behind you get, as daily mundane tasks keep finding their way onto your never-ending To Do List.
Creativity spurs growth while management tanks it!
Something must change … but how will you find the balance you need to propel yourself to the next level and meet your goals for 2019?
You can’t run yourself through a duplicating machine (but wouldn’t that be great?). You are only one person with so many hours in a day! However, with some creative thinking and willingness to ask for help and delegate to others, you CAN duplicate yourself!
Do you dare to dream about finding a work-life balance that works best for you?
Here are some vital steps to help you reach your goals for 2019 without becoming burned out:
1. Take an entire week or two and write down every task that needs to be completed, no matter how small or big, or how often it needs to be done.
2. Determine what jobs you dislike doing, are not one of your strengths but your kryptonite, or just take time away from the creative side of your business. And remind yourself that you really aren’t superman/woman.
3. From these tasks, mark the jobs that can be assigned to someone else:
- Repeatable tasks
- Tasks that involve a process or certain steps to complete
- Tasks outside your wheelhouse
4. Categorize this list in order of importance:
- If you are overwhelmed, start by picking the top 3 items on your list.
5. Answer these questions:
- Are you willing to ask for help, delegate and communicate with someone who can help you?
- Do you feel comfortable giving tasks to someone else to complete for you?
Were you able to get your list together?
Did you answer “yes” to any of the questions above? Great!
Here’s what to do next:
It’s straightforward – work with a Virtual Assistant (VA)!
Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs in small to medium-sized companies have realized they can’t do everything themselves, and partnering with a VA is one of the critical parts of growing their business!
Now that you have your task list together, here are some more items that a Virtual Assistant can help you with that you may not have thought of:
1. Create processes on how to complete your repeatable tasks.
2. Assist in developing and implementing a strategy to leverage your company’s brand awareness via social media, creating branded content and video production.
3. Set up a connected cloud service for both of you to access no matter where you are or what device you are using.
4. Create a backup plan should something arise while working with you.
Did you know there are multi-VA firms in place that can be your one-stop office help for all your business needs like social media, website maintenance, bookkeeping, SEO services, content writing and more?
At Personal Touch Concierge Service, we have a highly qualified, professional multi- VA team that can handle many of your business needs with our 5 divisions: Admin, Social Media, Website, SEO and Bookkeeping.
5. Help you determine where artificial intelligence (AI) technology or a human VA can serve your business best.
AI technology is fantastic for many of your business needs; however, many tasks are best implemented by a real-life VA.
6. Understand your vision and goals for your business and help you to meet them.
Great things can happen when you utilize Virtual Assistants. They become an integral part of your business, especially if you are willing to delegate and communicate well with them. They are valuable partners to have on your team because they’re invested in your success!
By delegating, you truly can “duplicate” yourself when you partner with a top-notch Virtual Assistant!
When you “divide and conquer” your daily business tasks with your Virtual Assistant, your work and life become more balanced, and you have more time to be creative and enjoy your family and friends!
Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC

Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service®