Finding Your Virtual Assistant
United States Census facts on home-based businesses: 51.6 percent of all businesses are operated primarily from someone’s home since 2007 ( Out of the 51.6 percent, 6.9 percent of these home-based businesses had $250,000 or more in receipts, while 57.1 percent of home-based businesses brought in less than $25,000. About 23.8 percent of employer respondent businesses and 62.9 percent of non-employer respondent businesses were home-based.
Another large percent of these businesses are startups in the areas of finance and computer-based. With money being a major factor in succeeding, many of these businesses look to virtual assistance companies for assistance with every day administrative duties, as well as every other task(s) to run their business. However, most just don’t have the time or proper resources to know who to hire, so they can look to a friend, relative or freelancer.
Hiring a friend or relative can become problematic and come with many issues to be considered. Sometimes the casual atmosphere makes it difficult to fully delineate the leadership role and get everyone to step up to the plate when needed. When family and friends are involved, that issue can become even bigger because the owner has the impression the friend or family member has the same passion for the business. Additionally, uncomfortable situations such as compensation issues can be awkward with payroll and the possibility of taking advantage of sick days, personal days, etc.
With a freelancer found on sites such as Elance or Odesk, you have the advantage of being able to specify your unique requirements in advance. However, freelance work is best for one-time projects or quick tasks that require a specific area of expertise. Although, initially they are less expensive to hire, you will spend more time and money choosing from many to complete your task(s). Communication is also limited where many assistants work on their own calendar and time zone, and will not necessarily complete the task within your specifications. Also, if things aren’t working out, you may not have much recourse. In contrast, if you work with an established multi-VA company, there should be satisfaction guarantees in place, and they are able to reassign your work to another team member in the event of an illness or emergency.
Ultimately hiring a virtual assistant is the most effective and productive decision a small business owner or entrepreneur can make. You may be asking yourself, ok – but how do I start? First, take a moment and write down everything you do, every day for at least a week. Then review the list and check off everything you personally have to do; the rest should be delegated to someone else to allow you to grow your business. Whether it will be with basic administrative work, web-design, SEO, social media, bookkeeping – or any other tasks.
Consider what type of relationship you would like to have with a VA.
If a long-term assistant will suit you best, acknowledge what you really want out of the experience so you can find the right partner. You should decide whether you want someone to run mundane or routine tasks without your involvement. If so, you need to be willing to set up formal SOPs and guidelines so that you can insure consistency throughout the work. Alternatively, if you prefer an expert VA that can take your business to the next level, this can be a completely different type of service and requires a wider skillset.
Selecting a virtual assistant is as important as hiring a traditional one.
With the growing popularity of home-based companies, virtual assistant companies have grown as well. Finding the right ingredients to create a great relationship relies on communicating expectations. An experienced virtual assistant has been in the business world for years and knows how to handle day-to-day challenges. They are trained professionals who know how to handle most, if not all, office emergencies and take initiative; they will learn your business and get to know you – as if they were sitting in an office right next to yours.
Top rated virtual assistant companies will have an owner or representative who is skilled in knowing what a client needs. They will review options with you and be able to make suggestions and strategies customized to your specific business. If social media is what you’re looking for help with, the VA should be able to come up with a custom strategy for your business and can implement and manage as much or as little as you would like. Need help managing your website? Look to a multi-VA company who has a website division and is expert at managing your website, keeping it fresh and relevant.
Once you compile that list and decide what it is you need assistance with, choosing the right virtual assistance company will be the next important decision. Some questions to ask:
• Are they a registered business? Where?
• Do they have professional liability insurance?
• Do they implement a project management system?
• What process do they have to create your team?
• Will there be a backup in place in the event your VA falls ill or has an emergency?
• How will you communicate with your assigned VA?
Once you’ve hired your virtual assistant company, make sure you keep all communications open and be effective at delegating; remember virtual assistants are real people who, while intuitive, are not able to read your mind. Yet.
Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC

Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service®