How to Market Your Business Online

Let’s talk about getting your business noticed online. It’s not as simple as just putting up a website and hoping people will find it. Trust us, we’ve seen plenty of businesses struggle with this. But don’t worry. We have practical tips to help you stand out in the crowded digital world.

First things first: know your audience. Who are you trying to reach? What problems can you solve for them? Once you’ve got that nailed down, everything else becomes much easier.

Now that you have answered those questions, here are some marketing strategies that work and we have used with our clients:

Email marketing: Create newsletters and drip campaigns that offer real value to your customers. Give them a reason to open your emails instead of sending them straight to the trash.

SEO marketing: Make sure your website plays nice with search engines. Figure out what keywords your ideal customers search for and work them into your search engine optimized content. Don’t be afraid to get help from an SEO expert – the algorithm is always rapidly changing!

Content marketing: Your website should be a living, breathing thing that is consistently being updated. Regularly add new blog posts, videos, pages or podcasts that your audience will find helpful. This keeps people coming back and helps with your search engine rankings.

Social media marketing: Find out where your target audience hangs out online and create a presence there. Share content they’ll love and engage with them authentically.

And lastly, utilize the know, like, and trust marketing model. Build relationships with your audience. Show them the humans behind the business and give them reasons to stick around on your site.

Remember, online marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time and effort, but if you stay consistent and keep providing value to your audience, you’ll see results. Don’t try to do everything at once – pick a couple of strategies to focus on and do them well.  And if you’re like most business owners, you don’t have time to do that yourself – nor should you.  Be a true CEO of your business, and hire someone who knows what they’re doing. 

Remember, what works for one business might not work for another. We keep an eye on your analytics, see what’s resonating with your audience, and continually adjust your strategy accordingly.

Contact us to discuss your online presence and we’ll let you know what it will take to get you noticed and raise your rankings everywhere.

Nickey Hollenbach

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Nickey Hollenbach
Nickey Hollenbach

Personal Touch Concierge Service®

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